Coding standards are useful because it teaches the proper way of writing code. It may be very specific at times but I believe it’s their to help develop good habits. I see coding standards like grammar for English. It’s there to help someone’s readabilty and understand the content easier because it’s clean and professional. Though it may seem like coding standards maybe useless when it comes to finding errors that are not so much errors, it is the most simplest way to reduce debugging time and amount of errors. Since everything is in proper orientation, finding code errors might be easier to spot because of the coding standard that is upheld. After a week of using ESLint with IntelliJ, it has quite scared me because sometimes it shows up as an error when in fact I could just be missing an empty end of line. I think coding standards are there to emphasize and force you to learn these good habits as to what people want to see your code. Not only that but these accepted standards would be normal and agreed upon when working with a group. In a group setting, adhering to settings keeps the work efficient and maintainable. Each programmer may have developed their own way of coding which otherwise would be incomprehensible if seen by another. That’s why I think grammar is the perfect analogy and as annoying the grammar police is, it’s very much needed in today’s world.