Final Project Idea

31 Oct 2023

Hold customers accountable with our Reusable Takeout app

By: Reynald Valera, Jordan Calantoc, Carolina Taylor, Elijah Davis, Micah Schoefield


The Problem: A non-profit organization operating a reusable takeout container program to replace single-use plates/clamshells at fast-moving events are losing 20-30% of containers to folks who want to take them home. This makes the program unsustainable and causes a financial problem for te company. The Solution: A way to keep customers accountable for returning the company's reusables that is efficient by creating an app or website that tracks the reusable containers and holds each container into a database that checks whether that container has been returned or not. Each container is assigned a qr code pertaining to the user.

Mockup Page Ideas

The landing page would have sections of a landing page, user page, container page, and return page. Users in the landing page can sign in and register their card info into the app/website aswell as find information about the program and other contacts. At an event, the user can scan the barcode/qr code contained in the container and is saved to the container page and saved into a database linking their user with the container. The return page will include a return station's location that will check the user's container and safely return it physically and digitally.

Use Cast Ideas

Beyond the basics

Help features including broken or missing containers. Set up a direct payment portal in the website/app. A way to limit the amount a user can obtain a container before returning a previous container.